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Apparel Design Lesson Day 1 》03/29/23

By Alena Bardey

Me and Jakobe got into the sewing class Wednesday morning and were chatting with Jenna as students filtered into the room, slowly but surely. We were discussing some details about the presentation and were feeling excited and ready to unveil our lesson to all these new students we were just about to meet. We got going with the presentation and found a nice flow and balance of who was talking about what during the presentation, and the students watched from their desks with at least some spark of interest on their faces. As we ended the presentation, the students all got on their laptops and started to search around the world wide web for different fashion and design inspirations for what they were yet to make.

This first day was just an ideation day and a time for our students to start planning out what kind of fiber art they want to make or modify based off parts of their identities, and get to sketching or making moodboards so they could refer to next time. As I was walking around and seeing what everyone had started looking up, I got to chatting with one student..

Student: "I am interested in somehow modifying a hoodie."

Me: "Okay, well I have a great artist and upcycled clothing designer you should check out named Justin Mensinger."

Student: *Looks him up* "Okay I see thanks!"

Me: "Definitely, and let me know if you need any more ideas."

Every time I walked past her desk she was checking out a different item that he made all the way up until the end of class. This was a really simple interaction, and it goes to show how having background knowledge and teaching the things you love will only help you to be able to aid your students in the best ways possible.

As the class was winding down, it looked like every single person had at least some kind of idea for the linoleum block prints, as well as had started drafting how they might want to modifying a piece of clothing. It seemed to me that everyone had really understood the assignment, and was trying hard to figure out ways of how they could incorporate their identities in their fiber art pieces. Some of the students were even about ready to get carving on the linoleum blocks, but unfortunately our class time had run out. I am really looking forward to seeing how our students express themselves and their identities through the fiber art works they create in this project!

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Everyone, with the exception of a few students, seemed to be engaged in the lesson and was doing research on different fashion designers and looks that inspired them. Students were also utilizing the pieces of paper we gave them to start doing sketches of what they wanted to block print for next time and seemed to be eager to get started on carving the linoleum block by the end of class.


There were some students in this class that were distracted and not taking the assignment too seriously during this ideation session we started with. I think that some differentiation for them would help them in the form of showing how designs could be made based off their interests such as modifying sports logos like the Nike symbol and demonstrating different ways this could be used to make other designs. Other than this, I think that once we get to the more hands on aspect in the next class this Friday, everyone will be working and engaged.

Top L-R: seating chart with students' names made by Ana, picture of students collaborating on design research, student that just transferred his sketch onto the linoleum block

Bottom L to R: design sketches for a hoodie, students searching for design ideas together

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Curiosities, Questions & Curricular Ideas

  • I wonder if requiring students to make a collage/moodboard would have been more helpful to them to find designs based off their identities?

  • I think that it could be interesting to do a collaborative ideation activity for apparel modification design ideas

  • I wonder if a little introduction to fashion design video would have been a good 'anticipatory set' to add to this lesson

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